What it's all about

So, for those of you who are unaware, I am Pamz0r! I am a digital artist/animator and have recently injured my drawing hand. I have been ordered to keep it in a splint for the next 3 weeks....SO! i have decided to keep myself upbeat and happy by educating myself in unexplored territories. :)

It has occured to me recently that despite my love for films, and my time spent studying film - i still have missed out on some 'core' film/tv watching. I don't know if this is from my growing up in the country or the fact that I was too busy exploring my own imagination? Who really knows?

Over the next 3 weeks (and possibly longer) I'm going to be watching a lot of these yet-to-be-seen films and tv series, and I'm going to document it *here*, within the depths of this blog!
The list of the films i intend on including in this educational experience can be viewed on the left...
If you think there is a vital movie that I haven't included, and you believe i should without a doubt see it, please let me know :)
(note: i haven't included films i have already seen)

Friday 22 July 2011

The Pixar Story

To Infinity and Beyond Indeed!!
What a massively refreshing way to start my movie project!  I definately enjoyed the hell out of this, not only as an animator but as a child who still remembers clearly the exact moment she saw toy story and a bugs life!
Whenever i watch a "making-of" special i always get tingleys of excitement for the community feeling that grows within successful collaborations. It's so heart warming to see people come together and share ideas and create something so breath takingly awesome that it makes even your audiences forget it's an animated film. They're no longer watching a animation, they're watching characters live their lives on screen.
Also, being an animator i can definitely relate to sleeping under your desk only to get up and animate all day... then do it all over again the following day! haha
I don't know of anyone who could watch this documentary and not feel happy about life in general. It's such a great, heart touching story. It would have been so disappointing for John Lasseter to live and breathe Disney for so long - only to get the sack for trying to approach things differently. I am personally, so so thankful that John stuck with it, turning around and being so awesome that Disney begs for you back again, is fantastic! way to stick it to 'em Johnny boy!
I found it very insightful finding out where funding came from, how business relationships formed and networking happened within the creation and success of Pixar. To be honest it kind of makes me massively disappointed that I live in Australia, and that our film industry is (compared with America) absolute balls.
Makes me want to start an animation revolution! who's with me!!! ??
There were so many times throughout this documentary that i literally squeaked with excitement.
They definitely did a brilliant job of presenting this story... i don't know what more to say on this topic.
But- if you haven't seen this- it's very very highly recommended, and i award this film a 5/5 button rating ^_^
I love you PIXAR!!! <3

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