What it's all about

So, for those of you who are unaware, I am Pamz0r! I am a digital artist/animator and have recently injured my drawing hand. I have been ordered to keep it in a splint for the next 3 weeks....SO! i have decided to keep myself upbeat and happy by educating myself in unexplored territories. :)

It has occured to me recently that despite my love for films, and my time spent studying film - i still have missed out on some 'core' film/tv watching. I don't know if this is from my growing up in the country or the fact that I was too busy exploring my own imagination? Who really knows?

Over the next 3 weeks (and possibly longer) I'm going to be watching a lot of these yet-to-be-seen films and tv series, and I'm going to document it *here*, within the depths of this blog!
The list of the films i intend on including in this educational experience can be viewed on the left...
If you think there is a vital movie that I haven't included, and you believe i should without a doubt see it, please let me know :)
(note: i haven't included films i have already seen)

Sunday 24 July 2011

Black Swan (2010)

Okay, so I know this wasn't on the list... But i watched it and i really wanted to talk about it.
I admire Natalie Portman, she's a brilliant actor.
But, this movie confused the crap out of me.

It confused me so much that i don't think any amount of re-watching could ever help me piece it together...

This movie started off really slowly, I was seriously on the verge of boredom wishing for something to happen soon.
And i certainly got my wish.... sort of.

I understand that this is sort of like a ballet story playing out in real life, parallel with the ballet... I understand the story of Swan Lake and what happens, I just don't think it was as accurately portrayed in this movie as it could have been.

I am no stranger to looking at things from abstract points of view, but even within abstract- there is always sense...sense of some description. But i see no sense in this abstraction of her character. More so in the way she was abstracted.
Throughout the movie it was becoming increasingly evident that the main character 'Nina' played by Natalie Portman, was crazy. And as a result of this, there was a sort of disconnection with her character. I no longer cared about her, whether this is intended or not I am not sure, but I certainly did not feel the least bit bad when she died.
She'd think she was seeing her face on other people, mainly on 'Lily'.... I became completely confused as to whether they were actually her, or if they were real at all. She even began to see her face on 'Beth' aswell... which just confused the issue even further.
I feel her psycho moments she experienced weren't relate-able at all. It was like suddenly she walked from a ballet movie into a sci fi- given that they randomly decided to introduce really crude 3D elements and overdone effects...
I dont think this movie knew what it wanted to be, a horror, a drama or a ballet film?
I heard lots of people saying that this movie was 'fucked up', those same people said this was a good film.
HOW is being confused and bored fucked up? I'm confused and bored most days...
this film did not a thing for me at all...
And for that, i give it half a button rating.....booo hiss

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