What it's all about

So, for those of you who are unaware, I am Pamz0r! I am a digital artist/animator and have recently injured my drawing hand. I have been ordered to keep it in a splint for the next 3 weeks....SO! i have decided to keep myself upbeat and happy by educating myself in unexplored territories. :)

It has occured to me recently that despite my love for films, and my time spent studying film - i still have missed out on some 'core' film/tv watching. I don't know if this is from my growing up in the country or the fact that I was too busy exploring my own imagination? Who really knows?

Over the next 3 weeks (and possibly longer) I'm going to be watching a lot of these yet-to-be-seen films and tv series, and I'm going to document it *here*, within the depths of this blog!
The list of the films i intend on including in this educational experience can be viewed on the left...
If you think there is a vital movie that I haven't included, and you believe i should without a doubt see it, please let me know :)
(note: i haven't included films i have already seen)

Sunday 24 July 2011

Indiana Jones - Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

Okay, so this might come as a bit of a shock to you...but apart from watching random snippits of Indiana Jones films on tv, i have never actually watched a whole movie......
<dramatic voice>....until tonight!</voice>
Tumbling boulders, snake pits, car chases, alcoholic women and Nazi's!
I enjoyed the heck out of this movie, even down to it's dodgy eye patched villians and excessively booby trapped valuables. (as im sure indiana jones *the film* is famous for).
I love the idea that *somewhere* hidden in the wilderness are temples filled with really creative traps guarding something 'sacred'.
I'm not sure if i liked this movie for the reasons that people in the 80's would have. As most of me liking it was of course mockingly laughing at it (but with love!).
Even caught sound of the wilhelm scream.... ;)
Favorite scene I would probably say is the scene where they're in Egypt and there's this big "get Indiana Jones" thing going on.... a guy with a sword pushes through the crowd and there's this moment where the guy is standing there swishing his sword around and is all "i has sword! you will never defeat me!" and then Indiana gets his gun out and shoots him. .... brilliant timing! It is exactly what I want to happen to people in movies that do that whole "here's my weapon, watch me dance around with it" thing.

One thing that sort of put me off was, it went a little too long... like, i thought the movie was wrapping up... but then it just kept going.
Not in the way Lord of the Rings(Return of the King) did, or the "Gradual Demise of Phillipa Finch" (for those of you unlucky enough to know what I'm talking about).
Just in the way to make bladder bursting pam think that it's nearly toilet time, only to find out that it's still going... so i had to pause it... But- after business was done, i had no problem getting right back into it. fan-freaking-tastic. haha

I am awarding Indiana Jones - Raiders of the Lost Ark with a 3 and a half button rating..!
Very much looking forward to more of Indiana!

1 comment:

  1. very short and quick Blog, its clear the query related with the movies, I does take time to understand the Imaginary Film.In this Gordon Levitt Harrison Ford Inception Brown Jacket He is looking handsome and studs
