What it's all about

So, for those of you who are unaware, I am Pamz0r! I am a digital artist/animator and have recently injured my drawing hand. I have been ordered to keep it in a splint for the next 3 weeks....SO! i have decided to keep myself upbeat and happy by educating myself in unexplored territories. :)

It has occured to me recently that despite my love for films, and my time spent studying film - i still have missed out on some 'core' film/tv watching. I don't know if this is from my growing up in the country or the fact that I was too busy exploring my own imagination? Who really knows?

Over the next 3 weeks (and possibly longer) I'm going to be watching a lot of these yet-to-be-seen films and tv series, and I'm going to document it *here*, within the depths of this blog!
The list of the films i intend on including in this educational experience can be viewed on the left...
If you think there is a vital movie that I haven't included, and you believe i should without a doubt see it, please let me know :)
(note: i haven't included films i have already seen)

Thursday 28 July 2011

Big Fish (2003)

Oh Tim Burton, I don't think anyone could have pulled this movie off the way that you did.
I had no idea what it was about when i sat down to watch it, and i really, really enjoyed this. SO much!
At first it was a little confusing, I was thinking 'umm? how are these crazy stories tying in with real life?'. But, then as i continued watching i came to realize that, that was kind of the whole point to the movie. His son- having heard these fairy tale stories all his life, didn't know who his father was. The stories couldn't possibly be real could they? ; D
The way the timeline of the movie was set out was also really interesting, it kept going back and forward and chopping and changing - never a dull moment. They really got the story and said "here! here it is!....it's over here too". And kudos to them, because it worked out really well!
I really loved the way they made this 'big fish' appear, because he was realisitic-ish, but also fairly cartoony. And i *love* the sound that he makes when he is caught (during the wedding ring story).

I'd also like to remark on how awesome Danny Devito looks as a Ringmaster. Seriously. LOOK.!!

I think he may have picked the wrong profession !! :P

I believe this is the type of film making Burton should be spending his time doing. Not remaking previous films with a creepy 'gothy' style. Although, Sweeney Todd was pretty awesome (Alice in Wonderland was not).
It was also really good to see a Tim Burton film that didn't star Johnny Depp. He's a wonderful actor and all, but the team of Tim Burton, Helena Bonham Carter and Johnny Depp is becoming bland and over used, and I would really love to see Burton do more films like this one.

There is an important thing in this film that i think is worth mentioning, and to relate back to the Burton teams bland-ness - the poet in this film, who is living in Spectre - everything is the same day in day out. There is no room for his creativity to wander, nothing exciting to inpsire him. He just fizzles and plays with 3 lines of really average poetry for years and years. Without change and excitement, things are bland. And i really fear that is what is also happening to the Burton team! :(
However, I enjoyed almost everything about this movie!!
Probably some things I didn't like was Ewan Mcgregors accent, I just couldn't believe it was his accent. It didn't seem very natural? Maybe it's because i know his face too well, and know what he actually sounds like? So perhaps it's a fault of my own?

Anyway, I would say that this film is without a doubt one of the best Tim Burton (directed) films out there :)
I highly recommend it for everyone to watch.
4 and a half buttons for you!

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