What it's all about

So, for those of you who are unaware, I am Pamz0r! I am a digital artist/animator and have recently injured my drawing hand. I have been ordered to keep it in a splint for the next 3 weeks....SO! i have decided to keep myself upbeat and happy by educating myself in unexplored territories. :)

It has occured to me recently that despite my love for films, and my time spent studying film - i still have missed out on some 'core' film/tv watching. I don't know if this is from my growing up in the country or the fact that I was too busy exploring my own imagination? Who really knows?

Over the next 3 weeks (and possibly longer) I'm going to be watching a lot of these yet-to-be-seen films and tv series, and I'm going to document it *here*, within the depths of this blog!
The list of the films i intend on including in this educational experience can be viewed on the left...
If you think there is a vital movie that I haven't included, and you believe i should without a doubt see it, please let me know :)
(note: i haven't included films i have already seen)

Thursday 28 July 2011

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)

Well, I watched it.

Shia LaBeouf (who plays Indiana's son) annoys me so much..... I think the only thing he didn't annoy me in was Disturbia....he's just got this arrogant annoying face that makes me want to kick him in the teeth. I don't even know what it is about him.

I don't think it had enough of that Indiana mystery that i'd become familiar with in the other Indiana films. I knew where it was headed before I probably should have known? I found it just predictably lame.
Harrison Ford still played Indiana as good as he ever did, even though hes all old and stuff!
If they start trying to make more Indiana films with Shia La Beouf in them I am going to have to punch him.
Was kind of cool that they got the female star from the first one (probably the only female on Indiana Jones that i've been able to stand) and put her back in here again! :) Although, I feel like the whole main character having a son he didn't know about thing has been way over used....it has no meaning anymore, it's just gimmicky.

I found Cate Blanchett's portrayal of a KGB agent to be pretty poor, especially considering the high expectations she's previously set for herself in my eyes. I found her accent wavered a lot, and i just couldn't quite buy into her character....?

I can't even really think of a scene that i enjoyed from this film O_O
I didn't find it terrible, but I didn't overly enjoy it either. I spent most of this movie pulling cranky faces at Shia LaBeouf and trying to comprehend *how* they thought that Aliens could be a suitable thing for an Indiana Jones film.....
It has definately fallen short of expectations.
I am awarding this film with a 2 button rating

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